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Any musicians out there?


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Hi Raiders,

Since my "Any Gamers Out There" post a while back received so many comments I thought I would start a post on another hobby.

I would guess that there will be a lot of raiders out their who have some musical ability. Let me know what you play and why you did and why you don't any more if that's the case.

C'mon, you know you want to drag that blues harp out again! Is that someone playing stairway to heaven I hear? Smoke on the water perhaps?



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I've been playing guitar and bass on and off for about 10 years or so, but I only have a cheapo Aldi acoustic here in Australia, which I tinker around on a few times a week. I was never any good tbh- had a couple of bands and guys I used to jam with back in Scotland, but we never did any serious gigging. I tend to find my playing plateaus til I push myself to try something a bit different, so as well as rock and grunge staples I sometimes look up chord progressions from different styles like jazz and bossa nova, or new techniques that I haven't tried before (cheers youtube!).

I'd like to get another guitar, or even better a bass (which I was a bit better on as it doesn't require as much nimble dexterity), but I seem to spend all my money on fishing stuff these days ;)

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I DJ - and not the crap wedding DJ or the excuse for DJs these days with CD/MP3 decks...

True Vinyl progressive house beats! Not done it in years but played A couple of clubs around Elephant and Castle about 10 years ago!

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Funny, I am just at work talking about this.

So I am a Web/Digital Designer. Sitting in a team of 3 designers now which is good. Girl plays guitar, Dude next to me is more of a House DJ, I used to play piano but stopped, love acoustic guitar...one day I will pick it up and play like the Gipsy Kings, but I love music and wanted to become a Sound Engineer back in the day. I used to lay my own tracks etc from samples. Would love doing it. As I type, I am currently playing Gatecrasher anthems, but also love Aussie pub songs, RnB and Reggaeton. So a little side tracked, but there you go!

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Ah ha!

I knew there would be some out there!

I've been playing guitar since my late teens but I started as a vocalist.
My brother was a more accomplished guitarist and we did a lot gigs together when we were young.

Family commitments put a damper on that for me in my early twenties and it wasn't until I was in my early thirties that I
got back into live gigs through some part time work as a sound engineer. Second run of kids, late nights for me and lonely nights for my wife
meant that got canned after a few years. I have to say I am glad about that ... its quite incompatible with family life.

Now I just play for fun but I am eclipsed by my 15 year old son who grew up with 4-6 hours of youtube instructional videos every day.

I have a Maton TE5 Acoustic which is a Tommy Emmanuel signature series model ( which I do little justice to) and a Fender Stratocaster.

Because of my age I guess and my vocal style/range I do James Taylor, Cat Stevens reasonable justice which is in stark contrast to what I often listen to
which is Led Zeppelin, Cold Chisel, The Clash etc but my voice just wont go there!

Anyway, music has been an endless source of enjoyment for me but nothing has been better than sitting around the campsite with family dredging up
songs from the past 50 years and watching the older ones, the girls (and some of the boys), eyes getting all misty as they reminisce.

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I DJ - and not the crap wedding DJ or the excuse for DJs these days with CD/MP3 decks...

True Vinyl progressive house beats! Not done it in years but played A couple of clubs around Elephant and Castle about 10 years ago!

So Ed...

This is this presumably is all on the fly with multiple turntables?

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So Ed...

This is this presumably is all on the fly with multiple turntables?

2 Tables, mixers, sample decks, smoke machines, light rigging and a laptop in my bedroom when i was 18-22. MY neighbors hated me.


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I played the Central coast for 20 years pups and clubs. Retired now it was just a hobbie band called Nitefall. Sadly our lead singer John died last year but we all had a ball. Played lead and rhythm guitar. Fender strat and ibanez 12 string acoustic. Got some great memories enjoyed every minute. Love the music.

Cheers Steve.

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I did as few years professionally in a duo at a little pub in the Rocks called the Fortune of War between '85 and '87. We played on Friday and Saturday nights. I played acoustic guitar and bass, my partner, Pete, played guitar and banjo and did the vocals. I mixed sound for a few bands as well. Sadly, my playing partner passed away the year before last, but we recorded a few of our gigs on a reel to reel and years later I managed to salvage enough tracks for a double CD that'll never be published. I never considered music as a career, but those years were the best paid piss-up a bloke could wish for.

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I did as few years professionally in a duo at a little pub in the Rocks called the Fortune of War between '85 and '87. We played on Friday and Saturday nights. I played acoustic guitar and bass, my partner, Pete, played guitar and banjo and did the vocals. I mixed sound for a few bands as well. Sadly, my playing partner passed away the year before last, but we recorded a few of our gigs on a reel to reel and years later I managed to salvage enough tracks for a double CD that'll never be published. I never considered music as a career, but those years were the best paid piss-up a bloke could wish for.

...and what genre of music did you play?

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Ok Steve next time we have a social we will get all you guys to bring guitars and we will have a raider session. I will bring my vocals and my flute!

Sounds good. I've got the PA. and karaoke as well. In the shuffling madness.

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I have a cube amp and a microphone (won sue won sue) ...... The train it won't stop going no it won't slow down

Well done. PA is all Mackie gear. It will make you sound like a star. Lol

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Genre for us was 70s Rock. Lot of oz. midnight oil. Angles. Hunters. The doors and my favourite. Jethro Tull.

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Jethro Tull... Thick as a brick. What a classic...

A 43 minute song with the opening line "really don't mind if you sit this one out"

Saw an interest article where Ian Anderson talks about ( with no malice ) what he believes was the

unintentional plagiarism of his song We Used to Know. It is similar to Hotel California by the Eagles.

Check it out on youtube.

The chord progression is almost the same but the melody line less so.

The lead and flute breaks are not that dissimilar.

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I did as few years professionally in a duo at a little pub in the Rocks called the Fortune of War between '85 and '87. We played on Friday and Saturday nights. I played acoustic guitar and bass, my partner, Pete, played guitar and banjo and did the vocals. I mixed sound for a few bands as well. Sadly, my playing partner passed away the year before last, but we recorded a few of our gigs on a reel to reel and years later I managed to salvage enough tracks for a double CD that'll never be published. I never considered music as a career, but those years were the best paid piss-up a bloke could wish for.

Similar story my side.

My playing partner was my younger brother who I have to say was a much more accomplished musician than me. He could play bass, lead drums, banjo, keyboards etc.

But he couldn't sing a note! LOL. He fell in love with a tourist and followed her OS and that was the end of our budding music career. He came back eventually with a wife and two kids in tow but promptly moved down the coast making jam sessions difficult.

We still managed to "remote jam" by sending recording sessions made using Cubase. He would lay down a drum, bass and rhythm guitar track and send the file to me and I would add vocals, harmonies, my own guitar track and send it back to him to add the frills. It eventually came back to me for the final mix and mastering.

Funny thing is that he was such a perfectionist I know he over dubbed any guitar tracks I put down without saying a word. I must admit the recording is better for it!

I am sort of glad he couldn't sing otherwise there would be no need for me!

Same as you my brother/playing partner passed away just before his 50th birthday. His daughter found some of our recordings, took a favourite added some video and posted on youtube.

You can find it here.

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