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Sydney Harbour Sand Flats


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Went for a quick fish after work yesterday wading the sand flats on the low tide throwing 70mm wrigglers in good old blood worm.

The water felt warm which seemed good to get the flatties hungry and on the move but the bites were slow to come. I had a few little taps but didn’t hook up so kept casing and moving slowly.

After a while I got a good tap, struck and felt solid weight and the fish shook its head then took off on a good short run, at this moment it felt like a very good flattie but then it shook its head again and screamed off. I knew then it was no flattie. I was using 4lb braid with 12lb fluorocarbon leader and the fish was heading for trouble, moored boats and 2 rowing crews with a tinny following them made for an interesting fight. I had the rod underwater when the boats rowed between me and the fish I eased off the drag when it headed for moorings and I put more pressure on when it was in the clear. After a few minutes and missed heart beats it began to tire and when it came into view in the shallow water I saw it was a rat king. It took a few more short runs and then I managed to tail grab it in knee deep water. It was about 55cm and maybe 2 kilos I popped the hook out admired it for a second before letting it go.

I kept fishing and in the next hour I got 2 of the target species(flatties) one little one and a good size one which would have been keeper but he decided he didn’t want to come to dinner and let himself go at my feet. I wasn’t worried I’d had a good afternoon anyhow.

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