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Blackfish Sydney Harbour West Of Gladesville Bridge

Ron Howes

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Slept in this morning and had a 10.30 am start of my session with Poohbear. Had some excellent shell weed from Botany with a rich bucket of burley. Fished the last hour of the run in and lost one bait. Fished the next hour without even a touch after burleying heavily.

Poohbear got a distress call from his Mrs and packs up and goes home to sought out family matters.

I decided to stay and burley out wider and fish deeper at 11 feet, and bango I was on.

The fish bit all the run out tide from then on, I could not keep a bait on.

I had two young couples clapping me when I caught 5 in a row. There was at least 5 fish caught and released that were undersized and 5 that were close to 40 cm or above, however the general run was around the 30/32 cm range. I had 12 in swimmer at the finish and I dropped a lot of the bigger fish trying to lift and swing them up onto the ledge with a 6lb vanish trace. Lower harbour is really starting to fire up. All fish were released. I packed up at 6.00 pm with them still biting with a fish on my last caste. This spot usually fires on last hour of run up and the first hour of run out in past sessions. But not today. With past sessions this month all fish have been caught on half tide or lower.

Sorry no photos as my phone battery was dead.

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