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Bream, Snapper and Salmon from the rocks this arvo

Guest Guest123456789

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Guest Guest123456789

Hi Raiders,

After dinner tonight I headed out to one of my favourite central cost rock fishing spots.

I got there just before 7pm. In the Arsenal was my bream rod, a $15 el cheapo graphite 7 foot 5kg rod. The reel is good, a penn SSV3500 with 10lbs braid to 10lbs fluro. Size 2 running sinker to 1/0 suicide hook. Bait were half pillies I salted myself. 13 pillies works out costing me $1.70 a bag!

Anyway hauled in 2 snapper which were great sport, pulled quiet a bit of line too. The 2 bream were pretty easy. The salmon was bloody hard, took me a good 15 mins to play the fish and keep it away from the snags. Not having a net or gaff I had to 'surf' him up and onto a rock ledge with a wave.

The salmon went back, the snapper and bream were all over 30cm and have gone to my neighbours who supply me with endless lemons, very handy!


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Well done Luke

It's just as (if not more) rewarding to catch some quality fish for family and friends than it is to scoff the all yourself!

Where abouts in the Central Coast (roughly) were you fishing?

We have been struggling for edible snapper off the rocks around Newy for the last few months.

Cheers, James

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