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Squid land based BB


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Morning all,

I posted a question to the forum some time ago with regards to land based/kid safe options around Batemans Bay. Many thanks to Jack who put me and my son onto some whiting!!

I thought I would post another, more specific question. My son really wants to catch a squid, but my usual spots are probably not too safe for him, and I don't have a boat. I have the gear/rigs/technique squared away, I just don't know where to find them!!!

Any advice on where to target squid land based around Batemans Bay would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone!!



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G'day mii11X,

Thanks for the reply - much appreciated. I have heard that too, and there is one spot I go to and always go home with a feed of calamari. But because it is from the rocks I don't want to take my young fella out there.

I have often seen heaps of ink stains on the main wharf next to the bridge, but I've never seen anyone targeting squid there. I can only guess the stains are from squid baits. (If anyone can shed any light on this that would be awesome.)

Don't know how often you fish down that way, but happy to let you know where I always go for them if you are interested.

Thanks mate.


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I'm the same, would love some squid areas, I have a boat also, but land based is always good

G'day Reese. The spot I go is the Southern Headland at Sunshine Cove (next beach down from Casey's). If you keep walking around the Southern headland there will be a much smaller bay/cove there. I usually cast into this area from the rocks either side of it (from the North or South). I've had my best luck at high tide, and when there isn't too much swell. It is very "reefy/weedy", so I get too many snags at low tide.

Sunshine Cove has a dirt car park off the main road just across from Sunshine Bay Road intersection. Be mindful that a really high tide will see you get wet walking in and out. At the rocks themselves the swell isn't too bad/aggressive, but I still don't want to take the young fella just in case, hence I'm asking for any other spots from the forum. But I'm sure you'll find it very safe.

Let me know how you go if you give this spot a try.

Cheers mate.


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Oh yeah I know the spot your talking about I have had a spear off there..

I have read on a kayak forum a few of the get them directly opposite on the north side off maloneys beach head and rocks, I was over there last trip in the boat and was very weedy, but didn't have my gear so I'll be trying that area in the boat next time, but there is rock plat forms there might be worth looking there for you guys, I have seen people fishing there.. Look at google maps

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Oh yeah I know the spot your talking about I have had a spear off there..

I have read on a kayak forum a few of the get them directly opposite on the north side off maloneys beach head and rocks, I was over there last trip in the boat and was very weedy, but didn't have my gear so I'll be trying that area in the boat next time, but there is rock plat forms there might be worth looking there for you guys, I have seen people fishing there.. Look at google maps

A local told me that Maloney's is the best place for squid around there, but from a boat. So I reckon you'll have a good session if you take your jigs with you next time. When you were spear fishing off Sunshine Cove did you see any lobster?

Edited by Sutho
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didnt look at the time was an average day and dirty so didnt really do to far -

ive spoken to a local spero down there said they were seeing lobbies off most head lands all season -

ill hopefuly be back to some diving after xmass slowly -

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didnt look at the time was an average day and dirty so didnt really do to far -

ive spoken to a local spero down there said they were seeing lobbies off most head lands all season -

ill hopefuly be back to some diving after xmass slowly -

Well I've never gone for them before but I reckon I should give it a crack if they are fairly abundant down there. I guess all you need is a mask and a glove? I'd be really interested to hear from you after the next time you go for a spear at that particular headland. Just to pick your brains about whats down there.

And hopefully the rest of the raiders will chime in with some advice for the land based squid!!!!

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yeah trick is wait till water temp is under 20 degress and a biig swell - then when is calms down and clears get in -

just practice ya duck diving coz thats what it is "searching" looking under rocks adn under kelp and in crevises - sometimes gotta have a really really good eye as they are very similar colour to the rock and kelp-

To behonest im not that good at it im still learning i have only had about 3 good dives at the right time of year - but now im getting back to good health and same with my dive buddy we will hopfully have some luck -

fish wise there was a few drummer plenty of luddies and some mowies (lots of smal) but a few good sizes - plus you get the tailor and salmon sweeping through -

last time i was there i didnt go far at all based on the murky water (i like to be able to see a good distance :)

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Almost any wharf with surrounding weed beds and/or lights at night will hold squid. Heaps of wharves in middle and sydney harbour and pittwater will hold squid. A quick search of this forum will tell you some of the most popular spots but really, where you find the right structure you will almost certainly find squid. Hell I even had a squid swim up to my feet in Narrabeen lake a few months back!

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Nah thats ok Sutho, I just stock up on squid up my way before i head down there, never had a problem with the jews down there using bait from sydney, maybe 3-4 days old(frozen immediately after i get them). Not hard to catch live bait down there really so im never short of bait. Good luck with it all mate

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