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Fresh from the States and looking for fishing advice


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Hey everyone,

Finally got a chance to get some fishing in and was looking for some advice. Going to be down near Jervis bay, willing to walk/backpack in to a good fishing spot. Have a tent as well so camping is an option, my brother and I love rockfishing but also have access to a 6m boat.

Any suggestions for a good place to camp out for a couple days and fish? Or to boat out to?

On a side note, Nelson bay is also an option for the couple days of camping. Preference of Jervis vrs Nelson Bay?

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Just been down that way the past week. Plenty of squid around green patch(murrays beach) end of JB. They're mostly smaller though and best I found keeping the big ones and using the smaller for bait for kingies and snapper. There's still a few schools of kings around down there. We got a few rats the other day out on the banks. There's some bigger legal guys amongst these rats but you just have to jig for them.

Hope you have a good time.

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