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Best berley and bait for Snapper/Bream?


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Evening raiders,

I'm new to the forum and to the area of Sydney so go easy! I'd love to know what kind of berley mix and bait combo has been most effective for you guys recently? Would love to snag a few snapper or bream for the barbie! Don't worry about the secret ingredients, just a basic mix and most importantly bait please! Also where to buy the bait if possible...



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Guest Guest123456789

I like to complement the bait or lure I'm using. If I'm at a friends place and I smell a smoky Webber BBQ cooking ribs I don't want to got a sample a piece of cheese.

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Guest 4myson

I like using a mix of chook pellets with a capful of tuna oil for bream fishing , but if your targeting snapper than pilchard cubes are the go .....

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