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Anyone participating in the Research Angler Program?


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Hey Raiders,

Don't know if you are aware but the research angler program is now taking frames for four additional species (originally it was just Mulloway) - being Kingfish, Flathead, Snapper and Tailor.

I've been aware of the program for a while, but as I was never fishing for jewfish I had not been participating. Now that it has opened up I decided to start donating frames when I can to help with fisheries research.

A couple of weeks ago I attempted to drop some flathead frames off to a local tackle shop that was listed as a collection point - only to be told that they were no longer participating as they needed the freezer space.

So today I labelled two new frames and rang the next closest place - a large boating and fishing chain over in West Gosford to confirm they are. They advised that yes - they are indeed participating. The staff were great and seemed to know what they needed to do - but both of the people who helped me told me I was the first person they had ever had drop off frames! I find that a bit sad.

This program is all about understanding the health of our fisheries and you get some useful and interesting information back. I'd encourage you to find out if there is a collection point near you and participate as and when you can.



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