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Gymea baths 5.3.16


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Headed to the baths at around 7am. The baths were packed with people i think going for kingies. I heard some of the fishos got some legal size ones and some undersized which they threw back. Im kind of new to the area so was just slowly setting up and listening to the chat.

Bait i had were pillies salted and non salted, squid(caught at lilly pillie and nippers (pumped night before). Was hoping for a big sesh.

While setting up a bunch of fishos went home and they gave me there unused squid and i set up in the corner. Cheers brothers! I burleyed up with bread, slow release tuna pellets with aniseed and chopped up pillies. I used a lil burley bucket and dropped it down.

I sent out a squid on gangs with a large sinker and left that. And proceeded to fish with a just a small sinker to a hook, mixing up the baits. Was catching small stuff and throwing them back. Nothing touching the large squid

Then some old timer who was using a soft plastic started having a yarn, he looked the business and knew the area very well. He looked like the fish messiah if there ever was one! Pretty cool dude that told me to just fish unweighted and get rid of the weight. He had a long tom chasing his sp but no hook up. He also told me to continue to throw in cubed pillies as they would attract the bonito/frigates.

The old timer would of left but i gave him a bunch of my pillies and i watched him fish for the bonito. I also started to do what he was doing since i wasnt having luck. After he caught one he offered the fish to me, i said no thanks. (I wanted to catch my own) I was also giving the burley bucket a good shake every now n then.

A bunch of kids came down it must of been 9 or 10am now. Sunny as hell!!! The bonito were zooming in and around the place it was exciting to see. The kids were pulling a few up. I was dying to catch one. Then a bloke rocked up next to me flicking out a metal lure he was getting a few, he had eyes like a hawk, and when hooked up we all would be hoping there was school and throw out lines in. The kids ran out of bait so i gave them a bunch of pillies. They were having so much fun.

It seemed like a team effort chasing the bonito. The lure seemed to draw them in from afar, the burley and cubed pillies kept them excited and we were having a hell of time catching them. I only have light gear and it was fun trying to reel the bonito in. I ended up with 2 for the day. It was about 1 or 2pm when i went home.

All in all i learnt so much and grateful to the fellow fishos that share their great knowledge, much like everyone on this forum. Im happy to be part of such a great community.

Tight lines


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Nice catch Johny, good to see some surface fish finally showing up in numbers in the hacking.Also, good work helping out the other guys with some baits. I've meet some great fisho's down there over the years, can be a really great social fishing spot.



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nice! i been there a few time but no bonito, saw like 2 kingie last time, but it wasn't taking on any sp or bait.. so how was the bonito? were they a surface fish or bottom bashing:)?

thanks for the advice in advacen

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