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Rose bay, Middle Harbour, Iron cove - busy weekend!


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Hi all,

Managed to pop out three times over the long weekend. Girlfriend's mother is in town, which has given me more fishing passes than I would otherwise get. Totally unexpected, but I'll take them where I can get them. The only caveat was that I needed to be back ready to drive them around in the afternoon, so they needed to be quick and local.

Rose Bay - Friday

Got down to the waters edge at around 5:30 am and readied the yak. No wind and a small threat of a shower, but figured I could get away with it. On the water at first light and headed over to my usual spots where I know the fish hang out. First one, as usual, produced a shed-load of small snapper. A couple of just legals, but I used them as a warm up.

Swung up a bit further around Hermitage and sounded some interesting arches. Couldn't get them interested in my lures, unfortunately, but there was plenty of them around. Guessing bonito/kings/etc. Hit the boat hulls for my bread and butter - got a few bream around 25 - 30. Also got a large leather jacket. They're a bloody nuisance because they destroy my SPs, but they're so nice to look at. post-34517-0-80067600-1459135427_thumb.jpg

A few more pinkies on the way back and found a very nice looking new spot. Heaps of bait, drop offs, and arches on the sounder. When I have more time I'll be going back there.

Middle Harbour - Saturday

Was tasked with getting some flathead for my partners mother, so went to an area I've had luck at before. Would've gone to Narrabeen lake but had to be back for lunchtime. I launched in sugarloaf bay, at a site that Rod and Kraus will remember as a giant nuisance spot to launch from!

On the water at 6 - like glass. However I'd forgotten that the area is flooded with yachts and rich folk on bank holidays, so it was busy. Damn. Anyway, made my way in to the bays and got to it. My plan of targeting flathead was soon abandoned when I saw a king next to my yak that had decided to check me out. They were hitting the surface here and there, so I started flinging about my bent minnow. No dice. Had a couple of follows, but they weren't playing ball.

Paddled about and got in to some bream for fun. Then remembered the flathead. Got to my usual spots managed a feed for the visitor, although it was hard work.

The area normally does OK, but I really struggled compared to normal. All the boats had multiple lines hanging out the back, so I wonder whether it's got a bit of a hammering recently.

Iron Cove - Monday

Decided to go for a bit of fun at one of my favourite local haunts. Got down there just before six, unloaded the yak, set up the sounder etc., went to get the paddle from the boot and... Bugger. Realised I'd lost it at Middle harbour - must've left it behind at the annoying launch spot. Packed everything back up, locked the yak to a pole and asked some nice fishos if they'd mind keeping an eye on it, then quickly motored back to the house to get my girlfriends paddle.

On the water at 7.

Wind reports were wrong - it was blowy, but it eased off in periods that made fishing possible, if not ideal.

There were tailor everywhere. They were patrolling the bay in large shoals, and they had fun destroying my plastics. Put a metal on for a bit and had a bit of fun with them, but got tired of that pretty quickly. Fished round the island drop-offs and got a couple of small bream and flatties. Looking good so far! With all the tailor around and high tide approaching, I thought I might be in for a shot at a Jew, so I went to an area where I've been smoked by big things before. The sounder was showing a lot of interesting things happening under the water, so I pulled out the big plastic and chucked it about. So many flathead. Every cast pretty much. But then, something different. I got a little excited at the good fight I was getting, but was surprised when a very big bream popped up. He took a big Zman minnow, which is a first for me.

He went 38cm - a good fish by any accounts.


Wind picked up, so headed back in, picking up a few more flatties and bream along the way.

Hope everyone had a good long weekend!


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