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A report, of sorts...


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Hey folks,

I've been a bit quiet on fishraider over the last few months, but still out fishing and reading your posts with interest.

I was supposed to move back to Europe at the start of the year, but that never materialised. Instead, the missus and I moved to a different part of Sydney, about 10 mins away from the Cooks so I've been out flicking around the river in the hope of the ever-elusive second jewie (more difficult than the first, it would seem), as well as whipping SPs around wharves for a second kingy (smoked several times, but no joy) and getting back into lighter tackle (mixed results).

Truth is, there hasn't been a lot to write home about: I got my first EP on the Georges at Como and got smoked down there on an HB by a bream that I reckon was in the 40s. It went straight for a rocky outcrop, which I needed to free spool out of, but when it emerged the 4lb leader was frayed to bits, snapped when I tried to put a bit of hurt on. Elsewhere, I tried Gymea on the Hacking (a looooooong walk from the station), where there were loads of fish milling around, but the best I got was a yakka on an SP. I've also been back around Double Bay several times too, for the usual bread and butter species, but yeah, it's been a very quiet last few months for me.

On the plus side, I grew a beard ;)

A few pics:


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