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Port kembla kayaking


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Hi all,

Like clockwork i went down south again on Tuesday (sorry, delayed report). I want to try elsewhere, bit i cant resist this place especially now that im getting to know it well.

Anyway down on sunrise (damn non-daylight saving) and got a 10 livies, im reeling in the next one, and it's panicking, alot... next minute the bait jig loads up and takes off before snapping. So im happy to know somethings feeding and throw out a livie. 3 mysteriously vanish before i hook up to a 50cm salmon.

Another yakka goes out whilst i replenish my livie stocks, and it snags the bottom. Balls i say, i try to get the rig back, and as i pull, the "bottom" moves ever so slightly. There were a few seconds of hope before i grimmly realised what it hooked. 15 long minutes later ive got the meter long wobby to the surface. Hooked in the lip, i cut it free as i didn't want it on the yak....

Moved into the swell and got wet with a 1.4m swell and 15knt chop. Persisted and got what i wanted. The baitrunner took off, and led to a solid fight. 10min in, this king simply decided it had had enough and took its 3rd and final run at the wall. I could only watch and repeatedly say "no no no" until it went ping... took me at the top of my 5m leader, it was very much the pb that got away

Rerigged outside, less than ideal and im glad i don't get seasick, let's just say that. Im ballsing around with the livie rig and the squid strip comes alive. A nice fight on 10lb and ive landed a nice, all be it a skinny, 75cm kingie. "DINNER" i say, as the damn thing 'free willys' out of the yak. "Not dinner" i say in a sadder tone.

Headed in and buggered around a little longer with nice fish being around, but nothing landed except a 55cm tailor. Wind got to much and i called it quits.

Good day out despite conditions, and that dinner got away. But ive never seen bait in that sort of volume before. Massive schools outside... and ive once again confirmed that my $500 ebay battle tank is less than water proof in such conditions. I pulled 5 litres of water out of it at the ramp, might need to work on that...

Cheers for the read guys, enjoy your day

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Sounds like a pretty good day. Make sure you figure out where the water is getting in. Too much and you will start to notice the yak starts to become unstable and difficult to paddle. If its the hatch (quite common) a visit to Clarke Rubber or similar should get you some rubber strip to make a seal.

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For the sounder cable mate, I drilled in a bung hole that I can plug when the sounder isn't in use. However, when it is in use, I've got a rubber bung that I drilled a hole in so I can run the cable through that, then plug the hole.

My front hatch is a bloody nuisance in chop, also. Haven't figured a way to stop that yet.

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Ive got a formable plastic product that i plan to use to completely fill the sounder, but the other two are harder to fix... just the downfalls of having a bottom line yak. Still love it though. I plan to work on it, ill let you know how i go

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