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Harbour Bonito

Krispy !

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Headed to the harbour this morning to see if there was any action. Bait was a block of pillys arrived on location and started a berley trail and quickly noticed some bonito zipping in between. Sent out an unweighted pilly cube and first cast bang, onto a nice watsons leaping bonito. They fired up m0re as the tide came up and since i had enough for a feed i started getting them on plastics and surface lures. Kept 7 for the table and threw back twice as much but it was great fun on light tackle. Headed home around midday.


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Would have been a great day's fishing, hooking into that many. All watson's, a good fighting species at that, for it's size. Good work there Krispy.

Thanks yowie, yeah they are great fighting fish on light gear

Wow! Awesome work man!

cheers budzsta

Nice job buddy!

cheers mate

Nice work mate,

Good to see they are still around.

I find they don't fight as hard as regular bonito

thanks mate, yeah they don't go as hard but still go alright

Beautiful looking fish! Sometimes it's good to be in the right place at the right time.

thanks brassroots, yeah I mustve hit a decent school of them

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nice catch champ! Where your fishing near Clifton?

thanks mate, sure was

Very good. Where you fishing in the eastern suburbs area by any chance? I happened to catch a few on metal slices there a few days ago.

thanks mate, not in the eastern suburbs but close enough, there seems to be a few of them hanging around

Nice work 6lb. Solid bag of bonnies :banana:

P.S. Mad invite. :ranting2:

cheers 8lb, hahaha ill let u know next time

well done ....its amazing what a little burley will do !


cheers pete, burley is always the key

Nice one Krispy. Sounds like good fun. Nice feed there.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

thanks rocknbeach, was a great feed

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