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The two that got away - not the report I'd hoped for


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Hey Raiders,

Went out from Pittwater Monday AM for a quick reef bash with my son. On the water by 5am. Picked up some livies and headed out. Ended up hopping around a few different spots before settling down off Lion Island with 1 last livie and the usual prawns and pillies.

With the livie out the back on a balloon and burleying up hard, we settled in to do some bottom bashing and I kept a unweighted pillie on gangs floating through the burley trail. About an hour into it, with enough action to keep us both entertained but nothing keepable I look up to see where the livie is positioned and as I do I see bunch of splashes and a big yellowish tail pop out of the water right by the balloon and then the livie reel (set to baitrunner) starts zzzzzZZzZZZZZZ'ing. I pick up the rod, wait about 10 more seconds before kicking into gear and striking!

It's ON! Adrenaline pumping. My son lets out a "Yesss! Come on Dad!" & the 'Ol "WAHOO!" Slips out of my mouth and with a seriously solid weight on the other end of the line I know this is the fish I've been searching for. But as quickly as it all began it stops. The line goes slack and with adrenaline still pumpin through my veins I reel in what's left of the livie and mumble the old "Oh well there's alway next time." To try and make myself feel better.

Putting the rod down in a holder I sit back to finish the hottie I'd poured a little earlier and ponder, "The one that got away..."

With my head still half in the clouds I pick up the unweighted pillie only to find it snagged.

Having lost a few rigs already that morning and seeing a decent amount of bird action not to far away I decide instead in of busting it off, to pull up anchor, drive over to get it lose and head over to see what's got the birds so excited. As I step through the anchor well hatch and start pulling the anchor up I hear a clunk, splash and turn around only to discover I'd forgotten to open the bail arm or put the rod in a holder so it's been pulled straight off the back of the boat. All to quickly I watch as rod & reel float off into oblivion & I say to myself, "that's a costly one to lose". We drifted back and forth for another hour in hopes we'd hook it and even went and grabbed a mask and fins but by the time we got back viz about 2m and there's not much hope of finding anything like that.

So if anyone happens to pick up a rod and reel around Lion Island I'd be forever grateful for its return. You can even keep the rod plus I'll chuck in a slab of your choosing. The reel on the other hand, despite being a Shimano Thunnus and a costly replacement, has a fair amount of sentimental value. It was a gift for long service from a team I have since been redeployed from. But if you find it and prefer to keep it please send through a photo of a big Jew ;-) I'd find some resolve in knowing that a reel like that isn't just sitting at the bottom of the ocean wasting away.

We all know if I'd lost one and not the other would have been ok but to have lost both has wrecked my week LOL :-)

Happy fishing!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I'm heading out tomorrow, knowing my luck, that's all I'll catch.

Happy to do a few drifts across, do you have a gps location or more specific location ?

Edited by raging
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