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Beach worming locations


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Budgewoi , soldiers beach (my favourite).you need to have a muscles, they are big and will pull you down hard. You need to find the flattest area possible and where the waves are reaching the furthest on the sand . Don't stay in one spot more than 2 minutes walk and stop every 5 to 10 meters . One to two hours after top tide the best time.


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Barberonhigh is on the ball.

Most flat beaches in Newcastle & the Central Coast hold worms, the difficult part is finding them if you don't have anyone telling you.

I've walked most beaches in the area literally end to end, they are there you just need to find them.

Without giving you too much info about where they are now, start out the front of the Caves Beachside Hotel and try walking up either side, Magenta also holds some smaller worms.

Another point to mention is that they are not always coming to the surface in the same place, it depends on the conditions and even then they can be shy.

Any specific questions please inbox me.

Cheers, James

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I find the 2 hrs either side of low tide productive. Forget about it if there is a southerly wind. The less populated beaches generally hold the most worms. Packet herrings make a great stink.

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Thanks guys! My only other question is, will it be clear once I find them? I find myself looking at pieces of shell flipping around thinking its a head.

Yes, once you see them popping up and down.

They're easier to catch when they stay up longer and come further out of the sand. Some days the only just create a ripple and others they can be 2cm out of the sand waiting for your bait.

Best off finding a spot with no shells or rocks that way you only have the pippis & hermit crabs to compete with.

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South of brisbane water: forget about it. I have success (bag out every time) are:

- killcare

- avoca

- catherine hill bay

I don't use stink bag I just use frozen pillies, one pilchard at a time, it is both my stink bait and hand bait. I would just walk along the beach and wave the pilly in the water and watch for a minute and walk away till I see worms.



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