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Lower Hawkesbury after the rain


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No keepers today, but thought others might be interested in what the lower Hawkesbury was like on Friday before the long weekend.

I put the boat in at Akuna Bay about 8:30 this morning and picked up Dad off the train at Brooklyn. The water in Cowan Creek and up at Brooklyn is still quite murky, so headed down towards the mouth.

After coffee, the first line in the water was about 10 down around Juno Point. It's was quite deceptive because the surface freshwater was moving slowly seaward but deeper was still racing in. We only had medium to light gear and the wind started getting up from the north, so we tucked in behind the point at the sport and rec camp. Got several flathead that were just below legal so they all went back.

Next stop was just east of Patonga where much of the same. The water down here was looking much clearer.

Headed over to flint and steel just before high tide where a few boats were setting up. Tried for a while but no luck. Probably could have waited until the run in finished, but I had a new light weight rod all rigged up, so headed up to the back of Jerusalem Bay.

Quite murky up there - on the flats the sounder said we were in 1.5m but could have been in 100 for all you could see. Anyway it was a good chance to try out my new rod. I expected to get at least one flathead near the drop into deeper water, but instead several undersized whiting.

Dropped Dad back to the train then zipped back round to Akuna Bay just before dark.

Anyway, it was cracking good weather and a great day out with Dad, even if it is meat pies for dinner tonight!

Good luck to everyone over the long weekend. Cheers, Brett.

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Great report, that is how it goes some times no keepers , but still sounds like a great day with your dad, I bet he enjoyed the day spent with you as well, and in the end isnt that is what it is all about.

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