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Bizarre session off the stones


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G'day raiders,

I decided to give it a go spinning for some tailor and salmon off Avoca rocks yesterday.

I managed a few good greenbacks on 30lb leader - 12lb braid and a few salmon in the mix too but it was a reasonably slow day.

Plenty of bust ups a little too far out to reach so majority of the fish were caught blind casting.

Around 230 just after the tide had turned and started to run out things got strange...

By this time I was twitching 5" jerk shads on a 1/2oz head back towards the shelf when I hooked up. With barely any fight in the fish i assumed a small tailor but when the fish surfaced I was presented with a large slimey mackeral...

Great i thought, there's gotta be something under them, so I repeated my cast allowing the lure to sink almost to the bottom and again I was onto something small. Retrieved the lure to see a very large yakka on the end of the line.

For the next two hours every cast was met by hundreds of bites and hook ups on several more slimeys and even more yakka. I kept a few for bait and eventually hooked up to a watsons leaping bonito and a few more good salmon.

Was really quite strange to have a slimey or yakka pounce on the 5 and 7" jerk shads every cast and I left them biting that way.

No pics unfortunately my phone was out of battery but I'm interested to know if anyone else had similar bait formations off the stones. Certainly kept me entertained and always nice to get some free bait for the freezer.



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I have had this on the boat. 1 hour of slimies hitting 5" Gulps on a 3/8 Jig Head. Have also caught them on 7". If they are in the mood they will hit anything hard.

That's what I wanted to know! Haha cheers for the reply.

I don't get outside very often due to sea sickness and I've never seen it flicking off the stones before but I was sure there would have to be at least one raider who's experienced it.

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Guest Guest123456789

You went out Saturday Avoca rocks spinning? If I recall correctly Saturday was a 3 metre ESE swell.

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You went out Saturday Avoca rocks spinning? If I recall correctly Saturday was a 3 metre ESE swell.

Must have been pushed back, when I was there it was only 1.2 maybe 1.3 at most on the bigger sets. It did say it was going to build over saturday night on willyweather though so i didnt head back there today.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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