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surprise session


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G'day raiders,

I had a ripper session the other day that, to me anyway, 100% symbolised why we go fishing. I got up early in the morning, hoping to target a few late season Kings in middle harbour. The conditions were terrible though, and i was a better chance of being blown into last week by the holing nor westerly than i was of actually catching anything, so off i went to bed.

A few hours later, half asleep and warm, I just couldn't shake that oh so familiar thought process of, 'well if you don't go, you definitely won't catch anything...' By 9am I realised I was indeed a man of action, and to hell with the conditions. My buddy and I grabbed jumped in the car with a few kilo of pillie and frozen squid, and headed to middle harbour.

It looked horrendous. Freezing (not really, but whatever) and still super gusty. I'd also missed high tide by a few hours, so all in all i expected to kill a few hours and return home accompanied by nothing else other than the oh so unpleasant smell of servo bait.

Anyway, I started out on squid, and aside from a few pickers, got no love from anything. Onto the pillie I went, cast my line out, and began rigging up my smaller rod to get an extra line in the water.

Now this literally never happens to me, but this day it did - as soon as I'd placed my rod in the holder, it just started screaming. (light gear, so I knew it wasn't Moby on the other end, but I knew it wasn't Nemo either.)

As soon as started reeling, I knew it wasn't the usual bonito or beastly bream, so there went my dinner plans. I've only ever caught a handful of AUssie salmon, mainly because of the spots I fish, so when I felt the little dude start running towards the surface, I was surprised to say the least! A few seconds later, he launched out of the water and tried to fight his way free. Gosh it's fun watching them do that.

Anyway, I ended up with one 55CM, and another 63 CM, my new Aussie salmon PB, and arather large squid that refused to let go of my pillie on a 1.0 circle hook, even when he had a net coming down over him.

The moral to the story is this - go fishing. Even when you're convinced you shouldn't, you just never ever know for sure what's out there!.

P.s both the salmon went back, unlike the squid, which was lunch.

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Good read. Nice effort.

If you go to BCF and get the smoker which comes in a green box they are divine.

For large Salmon like the ones you got.

Gut them properly, and butterfly. So fillet them from the gut to the back and fold them over. So don't cut through the back skin.

Rub in Salt. Be liberal

Rub in Brown Sugar. Make sure all flesh is covered.

Longer you leave it the better but minimum of 2 hours

Fill up Meth Containers on smoker. Lots of wood chips ( They come with chips)

Smoke for 17Min for big boys like what you have.

You won't believe how good these are.

They make unbelievable Kedgeree. And really good in a fish pie. My mate makes fish cakes from them. We like them on toast with Mayo, Capers etc.

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Good read. Nice effort.

If you go to BCF and get the smoker which comes in a green box they are divine.

For large Salmon like the ones you got.

Gut them properly, and butterfly. So fillet them from the gut to the back and fold them over. So don't cut through the back skin.

Rub in Salt. Be liberal

Rub in Brown Sugar. Make sure all flesh is covered.

Longer you leave it the better but minimum of 2 hours

Fill up Meth Containers on smoker. Lots of wood chips ( They come with chips)

Smoke for 17Min for big boys like what you have.

You won't believe how good these are.

They make unbelievable Kedgeree. And really good in a fish pie. My mate makes fish cakes from them. We like them on toast with Mayo, Capers etc.

Thanks for the recipe mate, really appreciate it. Ive seen those smokers, time for a BCF trip!

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