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Bombo quarry advice


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Hey Raiders,

Long time reader first time poster here, just wondering if anyone has any knowledge on Bombo quarry, discovered it on a recent day trip down south with my girlfriend but was unable to fish it as I didn't have the time to, I did happen to have a quick look around and it seems it should be good. Does anyone have any knowledge they could share with me in terms of what part of the headland would be best to fish for pelagics as me and my mates will be heading down there most likely this weekend. I understand the best way to gather information on a spot is to fish it but any information would be greatly appreciated! And I do hope to be writing up my first report after if there's any success.



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I've heard of bass pt but I've also heard that it can get extremely busy. I guess I'll probably just sus out Bombo with my mates and see how I go, hopefully have a decent trip so that I can write some sort of report. Thanks for the reply though MV Sunray, appreciate the effort.

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Bombo Headland is probably one of the most dangerous rock platforms around except when its extremely flat.

The Boneyard fishes well especially after a big Southerly blow.

Cathedral Rocks will produce good snapper but again it needs to be very flat to fish there and you need fresh squid for bait

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Thanks Crossfire63 for the clear warning on how dangerous Bombo can be, I will definitely take it in and make sure my mates and I watch the swell before trying to fish it. If it seems to dangerous we will just go elsewhere. We're not really big risk takers so it should be okay.

Would you know if Bombo is any good for pelagics as that is what were mainly after?

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