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Kingies on stick baits, Whales and snapper Jervis Bay


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Good morning Raiders,

Hitched the boat to the car and left Wollongong around 3.30 am yesterday bound for Callala bay.

Arrived at the ramp pre sunrise and headed to Honeymoon bay for bait. After snatching a few squid I stretched the new Hondas legs and arrived at our spot x not far outside Jervis Bay itself.

The swell was slight around one meter with an annoying refraction from the cliffs, wind was light from the north west, water 17 C.

Before I could rig up my mate was on to a decent 2 kg snapper, whilst listening to my mates proclamation of fishing prowess and watching the sea eagles cruising overhead I was startled by an almighty release of air. Two whales the size of small buses were 10 meters off the port side and swam right under the bow. AMAZING!.

An hour past, boating another 2 small pinkies, then my mate yells "there's a bust up over there". Sure enough the water was boiling and birds working. Once on the scene we were greeted with kings surface feeding on what looked like white bait mixed in with the plankton, on go the flick and stick baits with a live squid out the back.

A dozen or so kings caught most round the 60 cm mark with one keeper at 80 cm. Interestingly the squid was untouched as were any offerings of unweighted pillie. Back to spot x for a couple more pinkies and a decent 3 kg snapper.

Back to the ramp round noon, the most exiting days fishing this year. Love it when the action is on the surface, nothing better than watching the strike.

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