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Best place for squid @night syd


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Squid move around so 15 minutes could mean all the difference between catching or nothing. What you do is look around for areas with sand and weed and a bit of a drop off and where you can cover some ground with your casts. Work an area properly and then switch to a different colour and size of jig and work it again. If nothing then shift locations far enough to cover new ground.

Look at the street directory or google maps and pick an area which gives you access to multiple locations within reasonable distance from each other. If you give it an hour you might come back to one of the locations and suddenly find you hit the jackpot. One afternoon I was fishing a location on and off for an hour or two (switching between jigs and soft plastics). I put the jig back on at the end of the sesssion and picked up 9 squid (3 calamari and the rest arrow squid) in quick succession. I like fishing from wharves where I can cast parallel to the shoreline at different depths.

Ideally if fishing at night have some glow in the dark jigs to get their attention. I have started using a UV torch to charge my jigs after reading comments from someone else on this forum. They seem to charge far quicker. I prefer jigs with a full body that glows rather than the eyes and a small piece of glowing tape. Never run them side by side to see which is better but my logic is that the easier they can see it and if it looks prawn shaped then the better the chance of them having a closer look.

Try a short agressive flicking technique to get their attention and then a reasonable pause to give them time to grab the jig if they are feeling a little hesitant.

Edited by DerekD
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