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Nambucca river tough week


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I have fished the Nambucca exclusively this week as the Macleay is still dirty and fresh

Tough start to the week with only a couple of small flatties and a few reasonable big eye trevally to show for it.


headed up to the freshwater for the start of the bass season and was greeted by hard running icy water which we quickly pulled the pin on and had a cast under a bridge on the way home for a lone bream


today my luck finally changed as I made a trip up to my beloved highway tree first cast watched a cod come out smash the lure and drag it straight back under the log after some persuasion he came out the leader was so chafed from the log it was barley spider web a good reminder to always check your leader after every fish its frustrating to have $20 worth of lure swim away with a trophy fish because of a dodgy leader


Then the trevally started, there were plagues of GT's starting off small but gradually getting bigger ending up with some mid 30's models good fun on bream gear



The bigger trevs are a good sign spring is here hopefully the fresh will warm up and I'll have some bass pics next time

cheers for reading


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