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Luderick love at last


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After lamenting a series of fruitless blackie sessions in a report a couple of days ago, I finally had some luck after chasing the elusive buggers up and down the harbour the last few times I've been out.

Decided it was worth a fish this morning and couldn't pick a spot so headed to Balmoral thinking that if I came up with another donut after a couple of hours I'd just grab some lunch and head home.

Pretty windy out so after a bit of burley off the side of the wharf I had a cast off the back into the calmer shallower water facing the beach to see if I'd get any action out of the wind. Down! Hooked a nice size blackie pulling me under and around the corner pylon. I managed to pull him back but with my net out of reach I was gonna have to lift him up onto the deck. Didn't manage it; he took a dive and pulled the hook. At least they were there!

Shifted my kit over to the back of the wharf and landed two ripper fish in the next half hour with sparse but regular downs. The fish seemed to be coming in and out of the area so with a steady burley I was able to keep them interested. After another hour I had another two solid fish. Four in a session is a PB for me, so I'm pretty happy with that!



Took a lunch break at around 2pm and had another stab after eating. A few momentary hook-ups and a couple of downs even well after the tide change but no more fish. Pulled stumps at 4:30.

The largest of the lot was around the upper 30s and very fat. A few very nice fish. Brought the biggest two home for a feed and gave the other two to another lady fishing and a passer-by. Both very happy.

Nice to have some action at last!

Edited by Mike89
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Guest Lord Loser

Great Stuff,

Have just bought a new Blackie setup and am looking for time to get out and give it a run never fished for them and at 50 thought it was a good time to start

I have some spare harbour floats mate if you need some? Let me know if you do and I will post some out.

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Well done. Great fun and you don't need a net. Slowly get their head out of the water then a gentle lift.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Cheers for the tip. I've lost a lot trying to lift them, but I'm generally a bit overzealous in bringing them in while they are still full of energy. I'll give it a go next time!

How do you land them off the ocean rocks? I tried once over on South Curl Curl rocks and managed three hookups but landing them seemed impossible. My leader was pretty light, my rod not long enough to control them there and my net unable to get down to the water. Lost all three.

Great Stuff,

Have just bought a new Blackie setup and am looking for time to get out and give it a run never fished for them and at 50 thought it was a good time to start

Blackies are so much fun. I only got into them towards the end of summer and have been having so much fun with them. The whole process of collecting bait, rigging up and watching your float bobbing along a drift and then taking a big dip as the fish takes a nibble is so addictive, and they just pull so good! Once you catch a couple you'll be converted for sure.

At the moment I'm just using a threadline with a 7ft light ugly stick. I've got the perfect blackie rod (10'6) that just needs a specialised reel to complete the outfit. Then I'll have a nice setup.

Just saw you're in Leichhardt. I know a couple of decent spots around that area so send me a PM if you were stuck for locations.

Edited by Mike89
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