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Boating etiquette.

Drought Breaker

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Gday everyone.

The other day outside Swansea heads a large boat approx 40ft with a few levels hammered past my anchored small 5m freedom sport. Could have nearly reached out and grabbed the skippers hat. The wave nearly knocked me overboard. Gave the bugger a serve who just shrugged his shoulders and waved his arms in a cant give a stuff manner.

I always slow down going past other anchored boats and give then as wide a berth as possible.

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While on the subject, my trip on Sunday where we released the 76cm snapper a charter operator came right alongside us and started fishing one of my favorate little marks. Not only did he obviously ping my mark on that boat but he also comercialy traps and set lines with another boat when not on charters.

I'm normally pretty easy going and don't mind sharing spots among people who don't want to just pull every fish from the sea. I can't help but feel angry that my favourite little snapper mark is most likely stuffed. Some people are complete bum holes!!


Edited by JonD
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Gday everyone.

The other day outside Swansea heads a large boat approx 40ft with a few levels hammered past my anchored small 5m freedom sport. Could have nearly reached out and grabbed the skippers hat. The wave nearly knocked me overboard. Gave the bugger a serve who just shrugged his shoulders and waved his arms in a cant give a stuff manner.

I always slow down going past other anchored boats and give then as wide a berth as possible.

It's this type of "ASSHOLES" that give Boaters a bad name ....I've had similar experiences with these NUMNUTS on the water . What really gets under my skin is when they can actually see you have little ones on board & they choose to come right up to an anchored boat at WOT ...There have been times that i feel like pulling up anchor & running them down To make Burley out of them, But with little ones on board I JUST gotta take a deep breath & give them the 1 finger salute instead....

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It's this type of "ASSHOLES" that give Boaters a bad name ....I've had similar experiences with these NUMNUTS on the water . What really gets under my skin is when they can actually see you have little ones on board & they choose to come right up to an anchored boat at WOT ...There have been times that i feel like pulling up anchor & running them down To make Burley out of them, But with little ones on board I JUST gotta take a deep breath & give them the 1 finger salute instead....

Agree completely mate.

If he was heading in I would have up anchored and met him at the boat ramp. Unfortunately with him heading out my little 90HP yamaha would not have kept up with his twin God knows how big

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I feel you mate, I get it all the time on the yak. Most people are really good; slow down, give you a wide birth and a nod/wave... Some don't give a toss, though. It's particularly bad if I'm on a fish or anchored, because that makes facing in to the wave difficult (without which, capsize risk increases dramatically).

There are just some horrible people out there. Same on the roads.

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