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Northern Beaches - last weekend.


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After achieving Olympic results (5 donuts) for the month of fishing , I decided to challenge my land-based luck last weekend again. So, I grabbed some bait leftovers (mullet and squid) from freezer and went to one of northern beaches at night. The weather was nice and warm, mid of the rising tide.

1st hour of fishing was very quiet, no bites, nothing. Then something easy pulled the line on 3-4kg drag. Then a few quick runs and time for physical exercises on 14-footer rod. I was a bit excited and do not remember how long it actually lasted. I came to the point where I could not win any inch from fish while fish did not move either. I thought – game is over, the hook is likely somewhere in the snag now. So, I tried to walk with rod to see if I can release the rig. I noticed that rod tip quickly changed direction while walking. So, the snag is somewhere close. I had a look down into the water and noticed something large and dark in the surf close to the sand. That was my catch - 1 meter Port Jackson shark.

It looks - I tried to dead lift the shark on 14 footer for 5 minutes or so in the darkness!

(I use headlamp at night usually to change rig or bait)

I made a few photos and released the fish back to the water.

I had to re-rig as 4/0 hook was straightened while 6/0 was ok, and continued to fish for another 2 ½ hours in the rain however nothing changed till the end of the fishing session.



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I had a good time actually as there was an action. It was my first shark and a new experience.

A day fishing is always fun.

Just a tip, buy some fresh sardines from any fish shop and use that as bait.

You might get on to some salmon or tailor which are always fun to catch

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A day fishing is always fun.

Just a tip, buy some fresh sardines from any fish shop and use that as bait.

You might get on to some salmon or tailor which are always fun to catch

Thanks, would be fish shop sardines better than local mullet as a bait?
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In my opinion, I love using sardines and have caught more fish off the beach on sardines than any other bait.

But you need to find what works in that area,

Where do you get sardines? I saw them in Woolworth and local fish shop at about $10/kg. They did not look very fresh there. Is that a good price? Are they still good in that condition as a bait?

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Just grab block pillies...

Tried them earlier. They 'melt' in the water like ice. That's why I switched to bait from my own legal 'by-catch'. It costs nothing and stays on a hook for a while.

I do understand that I can salt pillies.

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If you buy block pillies from a tackle store that turns them out regularly (avoid the servos) then you know they're not old stock. And generally avoid the weird small brands. Then they aren't too bad, don't let them stew in the sun either. But i know what you mean, shit ones are like putting putty on a hook...

Salting them is a good solution, but the bought ones are relatively small. Do it yourself for better baits.

Fresh bait can kill it, but for salmon and tailor of the beach it's hard to beat the ease of good ol' pillies

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Where do you get sardines? I saw them in Woolworth and local fish shop at about $10/kg. They did not look very fresh there. Is that a good price? Are they still good in that condition as a bait?

I get them at the local asian seafood shop, costs about $8/kg (prices fluctuate), If the ones on the shelf look old and mushy then ask for frozen ones from the back.

I find these stay on the hook much better than block pillies. They also have a lot more smell.

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