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More South Coast Blackfish

Green Hornet

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The swell had dropped enough for me to get back to the place I had success a fortnight ago.

I got there a little early and the tide was still a bit high to hit my chosen rock, so while waiting I fished a higher spot and pulled out 3 fish between 30 and 33cm, they were shy biters and I missed quite a few downs.

It wasn't long before I could get out onto the front rock and that's when my day turned for the better. A good school of decent size fish were just on the edge of the suds and biting well. I managed 4 in 4 casts, dropped a fish at my feet on the 5th and landed another on the 6th.

I planned on bringing home 6 fish this trip but got greedy and kept 8.

Note there's only 7 fish in the pic, the last one took the hook down deep. I cut the trace, put fish aside to remove the hook when cleaning and totally forgot to include it.

A great couple of hours on the rocks, best fish measured 43cm to the fork.


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