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Fourth location pays off.

Guest hawkesbass

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Guest hawkesbass

Had the day off work from a illness i suffer from playing up on me the past few days so today i decided to chase luderick on the parra river instead of the stones as i was on my own.

Collected my weed early and mixed the berly and off i went.

Started fishing my first location just after 7 am getting a down but missing the hookup after half and hour.

A short time later i got another down but pulled the hook. Halfway in.

Not long after the breeze kicked in making fishing impossible here.

Pulled up stumps and checked out two other locations but they were too wind blown for fishing.

I settled at my fourth location on a rocky shoreline out of the breeze at putney.

I had never fished here before so it took a little bit of trial and error on depth too fish at and where to throw the berly.

Once i had that all sorted i got a very good down and came tight on a luderick that had the sportex 3902 creaking in the butt section going for spirited runs and pulling hard.

A few minutes later i had the fish in the net and on the deck.

Measured in at 46 cms and fat.

My next fish came a while later in the low 30 cm range.

I missed a few hookups then pulled the hooks on two fish.

I got another two fish out in the low 30 cms range but called it a day as the tide was getting up and the wash from the rivercats was coming over the rocks.

Was pretty content getting a few fish from somewhere i had not fished before.

All fish released.




Cheers trevor

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What rod are you using there?

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I am sure Trevor has mentioned it's a sportex 3902. If it's the one it one I built up and cut down 8 inches in the butt to 12ft its designed for rock hopping and big fish! Sportex rods have not been available in Australia for over 30 years

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Good work, or good day off work.

It's nice to find a new spot that pays.

I learned from you, it's all about options.

With the wind yesterday they would have been limited , but you still got them.

Well done.

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