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The whiting are coming!


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Hi Raiders,

Just a quick report from Blacksmiths Beach (yet again).

I posted a week or so with a few bream and was surprised there were no whiting about.

Last time I had 20 decent live worms for bait, this time just 5 small ones unfortunately.

Threw out most of my baits from 6 to 7pm in terrible onshore winds, caught a few dart....but just as I ran out of worms it was on!

Lost a couple of good whiting in the shore break, ran out of worms however came home with two, one 30cm and one 42cm (weighed in at 527g cleaned).Whiting Belmont Beach jsut before dark, 1 hour before hight tide should have stayed - 2 fish lost as we left 30.10.16.JPG

Would have loved to have enough worms to fish the high tide (about an hour from when I packed up).

Good signs for the beach though :)

Cheers, James


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