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Arvo Flatties


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I have been chasing a few flatties of an arvo lately in Lake Illawarra, been getting a few each day in an hour session. 

Been using a mixture of hard bodies and soft plastics, but the plastics are doing better lately. 

Most fish are between 38-50cm, but a few bigger ones show up every now and then 

The bigger one today in the attached picture put up an awesome fight, much better than they normally do for its size (just under 50)


Sure beats sitting around watching TV


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On 16/11/2016 at 0:11 AM, Raymondo said:

Nice one Jamie, definitely better than tv.

Shore based or boat? Was amazed how many boats were jostling for position last Sunday at the drop off. When the flatties are on its caos on the weekend. 

These were from the boat, but I quite often hit it shore based. 

I rarely fish the drop off as there are just too many boats 


Most of my fish come from less than 1m deep, so easily accessed from the shore 

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