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Hi Everyone,


I am going camping for a couple of nights at Blacksmiths over Christmas I was hoping for some tips on fishing the beach and swansea channel. Whenever I have tried to fish the channel it is always running 100 miles and hour.

And I have only fishing in a boat off Blacksmiths on the reef.


Any tips would be great.





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Hi Mate

I haven't caught too much in the channel recently however the beach is fishing OK and should improve leading up to Christmas.

Blacksmiths needs a big swell to shift some sand around and make some banks, still recovering after the April storms believe it or not.

Tactics for this beach depend on when you are fishing and what you want to catch. Obviously live/fresh worms are the go through the day however if you find a nice gutter and burley through the late arvo into the night you can throw half & whole pillies out to catch almost anything! Aim for a rising tide on dark if you can.

Cheers, James

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  • 2 months later...

Hey James,


Sorry on the late reply but thanks I only ended up fishing for like an hour thanks to my 11 month old child. Caught a nice trevally off a blade lure in the channel no point using bait you get snagged too easy. and walked down the rock wall at dusk one night for like half an hour and the taylor were on pillys and got them on a lure also.


Hopefully I move up this way soon I love it,





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