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Northside Kings


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Hey Guys,

Put the boat in at Pittwater last thursday early with a plan to catch a few livies and slow troll the local headlands and close reefs. The conditions were pretty good, a little lump on but hardly any breeze. The water temp was 20.15 degrees, so its warming up out there.

Picked up some nice small yakkas at West Head on handline, they were pretty thick and easy to come by. Then targeted some squid off the kelp, always a little hit and miss. Managed four good live bait sized ones and a couple of larger models and headed out side. The girlfriend is always as happy to see a return of calamari as she is the Kingys!

Lots of flying fish about and the first sighting for me of bluebottles for the summer season on the way to our location.

Put the squid on the down rigger and the yakka on a poor mans with a large bean sinker. As we were passing a bommy we saw lots of baitfish on the surface.

The yakka got smashed and the squid got done on the retrieve, double hookup. The fish that took the yakka (pictured) went 84 and was in good condition. The other was 70.

Thought we were in for a busy session on the Kings but that was it for the morning. Came home with the Kingy and the calamari!!

May give it another crack in the morning, will keep you posted!

P.S  Yup pretty crook gaff shot.....


Regards Toby.




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