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Media Release

30 NOVEMBER 2016


High-speed catamaran racing returns to Sydney Harbour with Transport for NSW today announcing its official partnership in safety for this year’s Extreme Sailing Series Sydney Act, where the season champion will be crowned.

Hosted by the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, the Extreme Sailing Series will visit the Harbour for the third year running from Thursday 8 to Sunday 11 December.

Now in its tenth year, this annual global professional circuit brings together some of the best international sailing teams on fast hydrofoiling GC32 catamarans to race at eight iconic venues across three continents, putting on a thrilling display for both local and international fans.

Neil Patchett, from Transport’s Centre for Maritime Safety, said as the official safety partner, it was important to remind spectators of the importance of wearing a lifejacket – something that may just save your life.

"Eleven lives were lost in recreational and commercial boating accidents on our waterways last year. Over the last 10 years, 170 people have died on our waterways, and unfortunately four out of five people who drowned in recreational boating incidents over that period were not wearing a lifejacket," Mr Patchett said

"It is important to point out that lifejackets are becoming increasingly wearable and comfortable and there really is little excuse for not wearing one, especially as a lifejacket doubles the chance of survival from immersion.

"The new generation slimline lifejackets look great, are easy to wear and are discrete enough to not get in the way, even for high-speed sailboat racing."

Phil Lawrence, Extreme Sailing Series Race Director, said safety was a core priority at the Series and welcomed Transport for NSW as a partner to promote safe boating again this year.

"Even at this elite level we all wear correctly fitting lifejackets, and we also thoroughly plan and check the weather before we head out, and it’s critically important that no matter what kind of water sport you do, or what level you are at, that everyone who goes out on the water does the same."

Transport for NSW is also giving the public an opportunity to win one of two extreme sailing experiences for two, including sailing on the harbour and access to the Extreme Club VIP race day venue.

To enter, simply upload a picture of you in your lifejacket on Instagram, use the hashtag #wearingmylifejacket and caption why it’s ‘extremely’ important to wear a lifejacket while out on the water.

Shoreside spectators will be able to watch the action from the public vantage points at Kurruba Point Reserve and Cremorne Point.

For more information about the Sydney Act visit: www.extremesailingseries.com  or follow @extremesailingseries on Facebook and Instagram.


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