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2nm offshore

The Incredible Hull

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Why take the risk?just had a look on the BCF Catalogue and you can kit yourself up as follows;


$99 for 4XPFD100's (old style)

$289 for non GPS EPIRB, $350 for GPS

$109 for a flare pack

$20 for airhorn (which you should have anyway)

$40 for extinguisher

$12 for a compass(non marine type)

$12 for a vsheet

plus a bucket and an oar which I assume you have


Its not much for safety


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I agree with the others but there's more. You also need paper charts for the area, 2l off water for each POB and a marine radio. If it is a VHF radio - which I would highly recommend - then you also need a licence to operate it, which is another cost. All of which is well worth having if you are heading outside. Think about it this way - how far can you reasonably swim in lumpy conditions? I've been ~ 1km out and had the engine not start. While I did get it started soon after for a minute there that seemed far enough to feel pretty isolated and I had all the gear above.

If you can't afford to buy it all at once (& nor could I so don't worry about it) my advice would be to hone your fishing skills inshore while you kit your boat out over time.

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Everyone is spot on, but...... I must say, Kiwi, the paper charts rule has gone the way of the dodo (just recently). 


Electronic copies of charts are acceptable now as well. (as of last July) though i prefer good old paper maps.





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