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Sydney Sunday.


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Gday all, well december just doesnt change. It is a notorious month of Sydney and with the weather we have had it makes it even harder. Fishing this time of year is either good or bad , the water is warm up top but cold still on the bottom.   Temps today up top varied from 21-22°. But down the bottom it is around 18°. Water varies from deep blue to green and cloudy. Swell had dropped from yesterday and fell even further by 11am to around a M from 3. Still very sloppy this morning. Wind a strong Nor easter swung east again around 11 and calmed a bit.                                                                   Fishing wise, hard but rewarding. Started a little closer at 75M today and that was a waste of time nothing around just a few pike. Moved into the 60s and things started to improve some.. few blue spots and a nice pig. Persisted untill the wind change and things really moved along, lost a fantastic fish and my M8s rod loads up and in comes a trag at 60. Filthy i am and someones laughing behind me, quickly look at the sounder and theres a school there, but we have passed the back so we quickly get our lines in and go back past the mark. Drop down and on up come 2 more at 61 and 62, then another two more at 62 and one at 40. Well, well, well no more after that. School was still there but we had enough. Moved inside our last run and managed a few more flafties. Called it quits at 1200, and quickly stopped on the way home to check out those extreme cats. Fellas those things fly.


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Yes big neil they is trag. As a kid they were a mythical fish, they recs and pros wiped them off sydney in the 80s. Wasnt till 3odd year ago we started to get them. Bit guilty with that lot as they were.all females developing roe. So next time we agreed 1 each. We bake em up.  GordoRetired yes a few blue spots, arrow squid it is and the newcastle bream. Must be eaten that day, just bleed em straight on ice, filleted  egg and breadcrumb. Old girl next door loves em. Me last resort. I am told they taste better from swansea up and bellambi down?   

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One look at this picture and I figured you had a blowout session on the jewies at some secret river location!

Interesting, I have heard about Trags but none of my fishing buddies have ever caught one.

What do they take?

Excellent day out by the looks of it, a nice full bucket to take home.

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