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It's been a while since my last post so first of all apologies for that!


I have still been fishing, just lost morivation to record and document my catches but hay, here I am!

So I had a day off work last week and with the cicadas finally coming out to play after a week of rain I decided it was time. I rigged up my bassing gear with some 8lb leader (6lb mainline) and pulled out some old favourite lures I love to fish with, not for the amount of fish they catch but for the joy of it! 

The plan was to hit my favourite bass spot- Ourimbah creek

If there are any bass fishos out there who are struggling to get a bite or lose too much $ on them please try these two weedless designs! The first is a soft shell cicada with the weedless hook and there are not many fish out there that won't gulp these down the second it hits the water and the second is the classic weedless frog.

It is truly a joy to cast one of these directly onto the bank and "hop" it off the bank into the water and inbetween structure. I believe this realistic representation has accounted for some of my larger captures and more timid bass. Easily one of my most versatile lures, they can easily be popped, slid, or walked across the surface and can even be allowed to slow sink on a pause by squeezing the lure to allow water to enter its body. 

Now that being said, I got up way too late on this particular day but I could see we had a storm on the way and if you don't know already, bass friggin love storms!

I get to the spot around 11am, the water is covered in leaves and debris from the strong winds however my spot is tucked down deep in a valleyaway from all the nastiness so I proceed. I begin throwing my cicada under overhanging branches and through patches of debris and was lucky to get more than a few feet through the water without boils erupting around the lure. 

Two or three were landed (average size 30cm) before I lost my lure to a vine (dont let your weedless lures loop over anything...it becomes a knot and ceases being weedless ?) 

Out came the frogs and this is when things really heated up. I know that there are loads of frogs in this system, in fact it is one of the areas that the universities use to research our native frogs and believe me they were calling. 

The second that lure left the bank I could see bass hiding under debris stalking the lure before smashing the thing and me hooking up. The double weedless hook system definitely accounts for more hook ups but don't forget to strike these things, I lost a few by missing the strike and it drives you mad! 


I know I have mentioned this spot to a few ppl trying to get a start and I can assure you it is now in full swing so get down there and give it a go! 


Cheers guys,

Had more pics to upload but it's a pain in the ass resizing everything, add me on instagram or facebook if you want pics I post photos way more than I write up. 

Cheers guys Screenshot_20161218-180247.pngshe wanted that frog!



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1 minute ago, Rah said:

Nice work Adsy.

She was having that frog no matter what.

Great write up. Hope you get into them over xmas. :)




Thanks mate! The same to you, looking like a great season all round ?


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8 hours ago, REELCRAZY said:

Top effort mate,  great looking bass. Might Have to give it a go in the yak. Do you know any good areas to launch from around there

The old railway bridge in Ourimbah is your best bet, it's tucked in behind the industrial area off a dirt road, google maps should bring it up though, the weir is right next to the old bridge so you just launch from there. Definitely easier than walking the bank around there! 

Thanks guys! 

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Great story and good of you to give a location for fellow Fishraiders to try- I know most bass fishos guard details of their favourite spots!

I'm interested to know how you covert your lures to weedless hooks? Could you post a pic of what one looks like and how you did it?

Thanks in advance Phil

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