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A quick 4 hour luderick session

luderick -angler

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Went out to South head this morning with Josh and Mark for a short session on the run out. Was met by a larger than predicted southerly swell so we found a higher ledge. Went and got some cabbage from a pot hole and from drift one it was on! I pulled the hooks on the first five fish after I had got them up to the ledge only for some self releasing action! Mark was on fire and had his limit by 9am Josh managed 3 and I got my bag limit by 10am! As the fish were thinning out we called it quits 23 in the bag all kept as Mark and Josh had a few orders for Xmas and Josh's boys love fish. Swell was a bit iffy! But we played safe and fished a little higher than I usually would. Top day and great company. 


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Guest hawkesbass

Good going guys.

I got three in the net and pulled the hooks on two others.

Also had two fish snap the hook in the process of landing them from the same spot this arvo.

Only fished  for 90 minutes.

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