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Sydney Friday.


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Gday all, got up to a little breeze this morning and thought hope this doesnt strengthen. By the time we launched wind was almost non existent on the harbour. Got to the heads and hardly a lump to be seen. What swell there was came from the east at less than a half metre. Water a nice blue and nearly at 22°.  Bit of current to the south at under a knot.  Water on the bottom cold around 17°.                                                                    Fishing again hard due to the cold on the bottom Sarted in the seventies and stayed there most of the day just moving through marks. Some nice fish around but couldnt find any flatties, i think there in a bit closer. Few reds still around plenty of newcastle bream and pike and a few other mixed things. Heres a shot of the best. Nice nanny and a huge gurnard.                           


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