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Sydney Boxing Day.


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Gday all, glorious morning on the harbour today almost glass to the heads and about 3 boats out lol. Schools of tailor busting everywhere from Fort Deno through to Wattos all little schools here and there. Headed out and swell seemed ok about 1-1.5 from the east                                                                     Headed north to the 80s beautiful blue water at 21° but the bottom is still disgracefully cold. Current about .8kn downhill. Little doing  so after 20 min moved in to the early 60s interesting water turned abit but jumped up in temp nearly 2° too 22.9. But colour got worse and the fish improved a little, couple of flatties and one buckled rod that went beserk then died with half a sargeant baker on a hook, mako lurking. So grabbed what was left of the baker threw it on to a shark trace and lobbed it in. No mako.                                                     Nothing much eventuated for the day, a blurter, 2 pan size snapper and 3 flatties that was it. Headed back in to the brothel that was the Syd to Hobart.

 Now the boat traffic rivals the M4 eastbound on any given day, mix with that the gooses who take their boat out twice a year next one is New Years and have no idea ... mix into that 1 absolute spastic on a kayak in amongst it love sydney boaties..

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blackfish angler i forgot to add dropped into manly wharf at around 9, 3 blokes there with our friends poles absolutely donging your name they would of had at least 30 fish all easy size and a bit all being caught on bread. As for the flatties havnt found any of size lately and it is the first time i have come in after start. Have fished it many a time but always come in about halfa after start. Wont do that again lol.

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I once tried to follow the start of the Sydney Hobart in my boat, at 5.4m I was dwarfed by a lot of boats who did not seem to give a toss about small boats. Was almost run over multiple times including 2 50foot+ boats almost sandwiching me between them.... Add to that the boat ramp is a nightmare on days like that...

Never again.

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