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Round 4 - more blackfish from the Eastern Suburbs rocks

luderick -angler

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So after yesterday's effort Trevor and I decided on a late start! 10am is late for us! The plan was to hit a low ledge on the half out. We got there and burleyed the wash and from word go it was fish on or downs. We ended up bagging 18 dropped a good dozen or so. We found as the tide bottomed out the fish went off and I was in need of a cold ale after four hard days of rock hopping! Released all but 6! Apparently the word is out we are getting fish and friends are piling the orders up! 

Its a great time to be on the rocks as the swell is good there's no weight behind it and the fish are about!



Edited by luderick -angler
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17 minutes ago, cossie said:


Well done again mate?

found a parasite in one of the blackies I caught today

One the largestfish seemed to have some sort of worm in it also

have you seen this before?


cheers cossie

Yes mate I have seen that in the larger fish quite common in the habour I tend to only keep fish around the 30 to 35xm mark and at all costs try to avoid taking the bigger ones

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6 hours ago, Mike89 said:

You fellas certainly do catch your fair share!

Excellent effort, are you gonna take a little break now or back to rock-hopping tomorrow?

I really like your top photo by the way!

I'm back to work for three days so they will have respite! Trevor on the other hand well he is still on holidays! Watch this space! Photo credits to Trevor.

Edited by luderick -angler
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10 hours ago, cossie said:

Nice aerial btw !

Yes it's a nice bit of kit! It's not an Allcocks but is actually a handmade one for Romford Tackle in the U.K. it's robust all brass and T6060 bar stick with a near bullet proof finish. Wish I'd bought the other one my mate was selling now! 

Edited by luderick -angler
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