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Johns' Jetty 28/12/16


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Hi Raiders.

After a disappointing donut rock session with the boys on Christmas Eve I decided to stick to the harbour. I asked Trevor along to fish Johns' to pay him back for the donation to my Christmas dinner. He accepted the invite, but it was going to be a late start for him.

Johns' is private access I've had for a few years up in Chiswick. It normally fires at this time of year. Nice deep water in close and plenty of natural structure. It fishes best on the run out tide.

I started around 7am and it was dead quiet. Once the tide started to run around 8:30 there were signs of life. I missed a good down when I was distracted by a close passing boat, then pullled the hooks on another fish. Things went quiet again for a spell before I realised my float stopper had moved during the previous fight. I haven't got any good stoppers just now, the white ones are crap, and my stopper knot of wool slips way too easy. I made the switch to mono and it was game on.

The first fish was in the keeper net by 9am, the next followed soon after. They really came on the chew, almost as soon as my float settled I was on again. Sometimes the float went down, sometimes it came up and other times it moved sideways against the current, it was practice float reading. When in doubt, Strike!

I had 7 in the bag when I texted Trevor to hurry up and get down here. Before he arrived I had my 10 and started to look at upgrading a few. I switched over to using cabbage and I was quickly smashed by something big and fast. I lost everything except my float which I managed to net when it came back up.

Trevor arrived and immediately got his first down but a miss. Then a small issue with a float taking on water. Once that was sorted he started adding to the bag. The bite had slowed a little and the drift had changed from drifting away from us to drifting towards us. We adjusted the berley pattern and the fish came on again. I got smashed again at my feet by freight train, and once again luckily got my float back. Trevor added 6 to the bag in the next hour and I upgraded 2 smaller fish.

We pulled the plug when things went quiet again and the wind was becoming a nuisance. Most of the fish were in the 35cm range, the largest going 44cm. The majority were caught on weed, my couple of upgrades and bust offs on cabbage. I kept 4 verage sized fish, the rest went back for next time. Love Johns' Jetty, oh and love my new Maui Jims, Christmas  present from my wife, thanks babe.



Edited by Ryder
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Guest hawkesbass

Bloody mechanic running late stuffed me up.

Mate even though i was only there a short while it was a top estuary session making a good change from the rocks.

The big boys you got were cracking fish.


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