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Fishing Newcastle


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Hey Raiders!

Im up in Newcastle for a few days. I've met up with my dad and uncle from Fiji. They want to go fishing while here, tomorrow we are doing a wine tour which leaves the following few days

Any help on where 4 blokes could head would be greatly appreciated! I'll get their licences tonight. I'm either thinking Swansea sand flats for whiting with peeled prawns, Nelson bay breakwall or Stockton breakwall. Stockton is the closest, 25 minutes drive.

Ill of course repay any advice with some help on the northern rocks :)


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Thanks Swordie!

We are thinking of Stockton breakwall on the beach side.

a couple of us will live bait yakkas whilst the other two go for bream with prawns or pillies in a bread burley trail.

I stupidly left all my lures at home, would it be worth stopping by A tackle shop for some metal slices to chase tailor or whatever else is around?


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