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Sydney Friday.


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Gday all, Once again the harbour was glass this morning, and quit a few boats on the move. Looked a great run to the heads and even better when out .                 Swell had totally decreased from yesterday, current hadnt changed, the water in close was green but the further out you went the more blue it became. Went south again towards Maroubra, dolphins doing barrel  rolls through the air, breezes of bait all over, little makos cruising the surface here and there, water had life, things are a changing.                      Started in 80M and within 5 minutes onto a solid mowie at 64 and it continued, snapper, pigfish, huge nannygai and plenty of rubbish. Water is still cold on the bottom sinkers read 17°, besides pick axes were coming up and pike, but the bite was voracious  from 7 -11, then died. May have something to do with the southerly tomorrow or they were just hungry, bit perplexed, cold bottom is a general shutdown. Going to have to look at old records of mine for answers.    Best part of the day was having a bait ball surround the boat and watching a striped marlin playing games amongst it for1/2 an hour, the speed at which this beakie could accelerate from a standing start was breathtaking and to see it stop just as quick and cruise around mesmerized me.                                               I think theres a change in the air, especially those that like stickfaces!

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