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Hi everyone, hope you all had/are having a great Australia Day!

I am a newcomer from Portugal where I was an addict to fishing for largemouth bass, seabass and mulloway both with lures and soft plastics.

Now with life organized around here I am willing to get back in business on my passion and am joining you to find some help in adapting to the southern scaled creatures...

Hope to learn a lot with you guys and possibly share some of the knowledge  gathered over 20yrs of having fun trying to fool and mostly being fooled by fish.

Thanks for having me on board!


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Welcome onboard Basseeker. I was recently watching a youtube video of someone catching mulloway from a yak in Portugal using plastics, looked great fun.

Look forward to seeing a few catch reports.



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Hi guys, thank you.

I used to fish both freshwater for largemouth (my biggest passion) which in here I will substitute with the Australian Bass and saltwater where I targeted seabass in the winter and mulloway in the summer nights. 

For now I'll be land based but I intend to buy a kayak in the near future to widen my action range.

Planning on checking the Australian Bass tomorrow either in the Yarramundi or Wisemans Ferry areas (advise appreciated in regards to the best of these two areas ? )

Hopefully I'll be able to post a report on the expedition with some photos of fish... meanwhile I'll post some of my trophies in the bragging section ?


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