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Hi all, I am heading down near Jervis bay later this afternoon to try my luck at getting a few Prawns.

Today is my 70th Birthday and will be going to a steak house for lunch with some family and after lunch I will be heading down south.

My intension is to get there a couple of hours before dark and set up for the night, will take a soft plastic set up and walk along the river and try my luck for some

fish before attempting the prawning, I have been told there are some decent Longtoms in the area so never caught a Longtom on plastic so maybe a first for me coming up.



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22 minutes ago, noelm said:

So, should we be packing the 6 pack in the eski and head up for a feed of Prawns?? I never gave it a thought, you would have driven straight past my place, you could have called in for a break and a catch up!

Noel next time mate!!, and there will be a next time we ended up with approx. 6kg, will submit a report.



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