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Sp's & Hard bodies


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Morning crew,

Yesterday whilst at East hills Park I was using the flow of the water to push my bait down stream and I got to thinking about whether or not using sp's or hard bodies in that situation would have worked. 

Has anyone or does anyone know whether using lures with a strong water flow work?? Will the force or the water make the lures and sp's motions come alive?? 

I'm thinking it will as really its just if they were being reeled in.



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the current is an important part of lure fishing, when pulling hardbodies against the current make the fish think its struggling by using big twitches and going the otherway with the current you need to makesure you keep in touch with the lure

in really heavy current it doesn't work as well particularly landbased as the lure gets pulled to fast and it knocks the action off, but if you suddenly have results i'll definetly give it a go


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