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Queenscliff Beach


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Fellow Raiders

I am a novice fisherman - I fish occasionally but have been trying to bend the rod a bit lately.

On sun night I went down to queenscliff beach (northern end of manly) for a swim and threw the rod in around dusk from the deck where the rock pool is into the ocean. I used tweed bait squid. I got bites everywhere and each time was hoping for a good fish but all I hauled up were some kind of disgusting looking creatures. No idea what they were. Maybe toads - black and white spotted things bout 25 to 30cm. I chucked them all back. They were keen though - they absolutely swallowed the squid. 

Anyone had any luck around there or got any tips. It seemed to be a good spot? There must be bream or whiting hanging around. There's a rip or a channel that runs along the rocks out to sea so I would think It should be a reasonable spot. 

Any advice welcome.


Edited by PritchEagle
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Hey mate, great to hear your keen. 

I am a little worried about the location you are talking about. 


I thought Queenscliff was at the north end and the southe end near Shelley ( the pool) was a protected area. 

Hope I have the story wrong.

check out the dpi site before fishing any location I recon.

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All good bud. Funny how a little type o can change things!

the fish sound too big to be toads. Ugly spotted things in shallow reefy water sound like kelpys to me I think rock cale is the proper term. 

Bream and trevalley should be good options in the area. 

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Hi there

I live round the corner from there.  The pool is best fished at high tide.  I've caught flathead (62cm) bream (35cm) and jewfish (80cm) from there.  My preference though is 75 metres south of the pool on the beach at high tide in the gutter that often runs out from the beach there.  You can get good whiting, bream, trevally and flathead with the odd jewfish.  I've even surfed right over a 1M jewfish that was just swimming along in about 1.2metres of water at 9am in the morning on one occasion!

best of luck

the Rev


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Thanks heaps the Rev for the tips. I am a keen surfer too but I have a back injury at the moment. 

Thanks also Flickn. You were 100 percent right. I googled rock cale and saw an exact pic of the three I chucked back. They were disgusting looking things brother.

I'm gunna head down there again soon fellas at high tide as you guys suggested and give it another go. I'll let you know how I go.





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