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Sydney Harbour 3rd February


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As they say......better late than never.......

And about time I contributed after being a long time reader.....thought that this catch being a little unusual and sizeable could be a worthy report of interest to many.

Fishing early morning Sydney Harbour, drifted around for 30 mins to catch some lives (Yellowtail and Slimies) without too much difficulty before heading to a spot that had been working well for me recently.

Anchored up, dropped down 2 lives...the first about 3/4 to the bottom (40 feet) and the other halfway. Not much was sounding, but a beautiful morning on the harbour with very little wind and was warming up........then.......zing....zing....zing.....ziiiiiiiiing.........my partner in crime was closest (damn it) and he was on......was he on........whilst I was bringing in the other 2 lines the fish was taking him all around the boat after an initial 30 sec run.....then just a steady beat and pull.......shark........ray........defiantly not a King.......eventually up it comes.......took a while to grab and get into the boat with much yahooing and celebrating.......119cm........Amberjack.........(not the greatest picky kept kicking and sliding off the matt...as you can see well off the front line in this image)image.jpg

Had a bit of a lot online and appears to be a pretty unusual catch (especially that size) for Sydney Harbour.....happy days.....

Tomorrow conditions looking bloody great......time to get out again....


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Awesome catch, and at that size superb eating too.

I only ever caught one cobia, after a huge tussle on light gear after it inhaled a whiting I'd hooked off a little jetty in about 3m of water over sand. I was watching the whiting come in, and about 5m from the jetty this enormous black thing shoots out from over a weed patch and just smashes it.

Pelagic? Hardly! Dude must've been lost...

Half an hour later after nearly getting spooled twice I managed to swim it to the beach and then with the aid of a quick measure-and-google confirmed it was 73cm... 2cm under the legal limit for WA.

Gutted. Frankly I'd rather have lost it. But after a little coaxing it swam away healthy enough, so there's that.

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