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Inspecting BMT pt 6


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With alloy hulls the main faults you'll find are cracked/split welds,dents,gouges,electrolysis and galvanic corrosion.

Again,dents above the water line are cosmetic but if you see any on the bottom of the hull they can and will effect performance/handling.

I suggest taking your time to inspect all welds carefully and if the owner will allow lift the floor(if fitted) and check the welds under there especially the ribs also.Now is a good time to keep an eye out for stray sinkers,swivels etc and check the type of underfloor floatation if any.image.jpgThis boat has a crack along the chine line weld.image.jpgThis dent is cosmetic only.image.jpgsever damage like this is best avoided no matter how cheap the boat is.

Also look at any rail welds while your there as they too can crack.image.jpgBubbling paint around fittings such as cleats,rails,screws etc are quite common in painted boats as salt tends to get in under the paint in these areas which will be made worse by using dissimilar metals to attach the said fittings.

image.jpgThese are just the basics of what to look for in a alloy hull.

For info on electrolysis/galvanic corrosion do a google search as both subjects are quite complex to talk about in a small article like this and I don't have the photo space.

Any one else care to add anything feel free.


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47 minutes ago, Rah said:

These are fantastic Fab

Well done and ill be having a second read through when i'm ready to buy my first boat in a couple of months.




Thats my intention to help people like yourself and others Tara in avoiding some of the common pitfalls of buying a used boat.

Like cars,the cheaper end of the market your buying a boat from the more issues you normally find but not always if your lucky.


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Awsome read Fab.

Inspecting BMT Vol 1 to 6. 

Great for the boating newbee as well as us older ones.

Really gives the maintanance steps a memory jog.

I guess boat electrics and safty equipment are next?

Really enjoyed reading your thread posts.

And they will be a wealth of knowledge to new and old boaties.


Edited by Trailcraft43
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