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Sydney Friday.


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Gday all, again a nice morning to be out. A few boats out and about but not a great deal, seems a lot have gone away for easter.                                                         A nice 1-2M swell from the sou east was running and a light westerley was giving it a go. Fished of coogee today, water still green and dirty, temp at 23° and current running downhill  at .5kn.           Fishing is still hard with a long time between bites, plenty of great shows but not many playing games. Really think the rain has got a lot to do with it, just to much fresh around on top.                              managed a few flatties of no real size, 1 keeper snapper and plenty of throwbacks and throw in a few mowies as well. Had a lot of green toads following fish up, just shows you how dirty the water is.                                             Highlight of the day goes to a little hammerhead about 1.3M long nonchalantly  swimming around the boat, threw a few baits at it but not interested. Saw the same one an hour later down near rosa. Anyway thats it, out again tomorrow so well see what happens.

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