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Port Stephens - Mack Tuna and Jackets in the Bay


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Just a little report on fishing in the bay (Port Stephens) recently...

My son's mate, James, came up from Sydney but I had to work Sat and Sun so couldn't take them out in the boat. They hired a boat on Saturday and had a nice day on the water catching bream and whiting. They saw some birds working and James flicked out a lure and caught a nice little mack tuna that gave him the fight of his life on light gear! A first for him.

On Sunday, they tried the breakwall  at the Anchorage Resort and got 7 leatherjacket between them. They cooked them up for lunch but I was working Sunday so missed out.

My son (24) has never really been interested in fishing but since moving to Port he is starting to show an interest. I wanted to fish today but I had a tradie in and errands to run so he went back to the Anchorage on his own to fish an hour or so either side of the high tide change. I ducked down to see how he was doing. He had 5 jackets, so I grabbed his spare rod (they're mine actually) for a while and managed to get a few myself. I haven't fished soecifically for jackets since I was a kid. I had a ball for the next 40 minutes or so and, thankfully, I caught the biggest one! He came home with 12 and they were very nice on the chew thank you! It's kinda nice to have this kind of fishing down the end of the road.

i love this place!

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